Table Striper
Dom manipulation of a table — make mine striped please.
The code below goes in the head of your document. All you need to do next is tag your table with an id=”something” and add an onload trigger to your body tag.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var TABLE_ROW_COLOR_DEFAULT = "#FFFFFF"; var TABLE_ROW_COLOR_HILIGHT = "#CCCCCC"; function stripeTableRows(tableObject,startRow) { var currentRowColor = ""; for (var i = startRow; i < tableObject.rows.length; i++) { currentRowColor = TABLE_ROW_COLOR_DEFAULT; if (i % 2 == 0) { currentRowColor = TABLE_ROW_COLOR_HILIGHT; } tableObject.rows[i].style.backgroundColor = currentRowColor; } } function configurePage() { stripeTableRows(document.getElementById("calTable"),0); }
To do:
- make colors a passed variable
- widgetize the thing into a common library
- come up with structure for said common library, w/re to access in each file, etc…
Posted: 08.03.2004 in Design —
Tagged Javascript, resource
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