Cracking the Google Code%u2026 Under the GoogleScope
Tuesday, May 10th, 2005Cracking the Google Code%u2026 Under the GoogleScope
Cracking the Google Code%u2026 Under the GoogleScope
O’Reilly Network: The State of Computer-Human Interaction You might say it’s the toughest problem to solve in the modern world of computing; it’s certainly the hardest to define. This month more than 1,800 designers, programmers, academics, professional researchers, industrial engineers, artists, and musicians gathered in Portland, Oregon, for another bash at the question, How do […]
I had a message here about upgrading WP, broken templates, blah blah… Now I’ll provide pointers to other places: ERD blog, DAM site, BaseCamp ERD Projects (nascent). Cheers… until I get time my canned templates will remain broken and un-customized for this scratch pad.