Robert Denton

Staggering work of genius from Portland, Maine – Gardener, Photographer, Designer, Taco Maker, Birder, Biker, Wine Merchant


Nuno’s Thoughts: That J2EE versus .NET thing

Dear old Forrester Research has recently published some interesting survey results on J2EE and .NET uptake. Acording to Forrester (you need a guest account to download the article, or otherwise just use BugMeNot) financial institutions in Europe have been clearly (56%) preferring J2EE over .NET – with a smaller slice (26%) of the enquired having responded both J2EE and .NET form the backbone of their strategy. A much smaller (3%) slice however has decided .NET to be their way forward in the future.

Says nothing de facto for Bowdoin but everyone should see this…

Posted: 26.03.2005 in General Both comments and pings are currently closed. — RSS 2.0

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