Robert Denton

Staggering work of genius from Portland, Maine – Gardener, Photographer, Designer, Taco Maker, Birder, Biker, Wine Merchant

Archive for May, 2005

Nokia – Nokia 770

Saturday, May 28th, 2005

Nokia – Nokia 770 How much do you want one of these!! I’d rather have an OSX version of the same… it has Inkwell which descends from the Newton handwriting recognition software. Despite the Doonesbury jokes about the first Newton, by the end of the Newton’s life (messagepad 2000) handwriting recognition worked very well. I […]

Ipse dixit: The boolean NOT in Spotlight

Friday, May 27th, 2005

Ipse dixit: The boolean NOT in Spotlight

ACM Queue – Beyond Relational Databases – There is more to data access than SQL.

Thursday, May 26th, 2005

ACM Queue – Beyond Relational Databases – There is more to data access than SQL.

TagglyWiki – a taggable, reusable, non-linear personal web notebook

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

TagglyWiki – a taggable, reusable, non-linear personal web notebook Don’t forget about TiddlyWiki Very cool wiki implementations.


Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

mambofrog This guy thinks too much like me.

CSS Organization x2

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

Content with Style: Modular CSS

AllStar Web Marketing Blog: Search Engine Visibility – Do You Measure Up?

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

AllStar Web Marketing Blog: Search Engine Visibility – Do You Measure Up?

Peter Van Dijck's Guide to Ease � Enterprise search still a technology conversation

Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

Peter Van Dijck’s Guide to Ease � Enterprise search still a technology conversation In 2003, I started an article at Onlamp like this: %u201CA useful search engine is more than a search algorithm. This article explains how to create a search query analysis tool, a best bets feature, and a basic controlled vocabulary.%u201D

Unofficial Google Maps Embedding How To

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

Unofficial Google Maps Embedding How To

The Essential Connection: Resource Center: Links

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

The Essential Connection: Resource Center: Links Very interesting. Could be some useful info, esp in that all things portfolio link.