Archive for the ' Photo ' Category
Lucy’s future album cover?
Monday, June 28th, 2010She’s looking very Joni Mitchell in this photo… must leave camera lying about more often.
Will and dog (Australian Shepherd, Sigo)
Monday, June 28th, 2010Bike Ride: Looking west from Martin Point Bridge, Rte 1, Portland, Maine
Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010Took a quick-ish short ride to Town Landing Rd and back ~17 miles. Quick stop on Martin Pt. Bridge to snap this photo. iPhone 3gs, can’t wait to see what iPhone4’s camera does in same situation.
Tuesday, May 11th, 2010Kawasaki KZ650 plus some nephews and sisters!
Tuesday, May 4th, 2010Originally taken in oh, 1989 or ’90 … all these boys are grown up now. Matthew, Michael, and Chris… with Rhonda and Sharon in the background.
Lincoln Center fountain portrait
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010After seeing a great performance of South Pacific the weather was still wonderful and we enjoyed a little time in the square.
Into the ocean, out of the ocean
Tuesday, April 27th, 2010Into the ocean, out of the ocean Using the video tag for the mp4 file which Safari and presumably iPhone and iPad will use (er, need to test this, one in my pocket, other in brief on floor). Using the plugin which is supposed to provide a player for those non-video tag supporters.