Robert Denton

Staggering work of genius from Portland, Maine – Gardener, Photographer, Designer, Taco Maker, Birder, Biker, Wine Merchant

Archive for the ' Discussions ' Category

Ironed Creases in Your Dungarees

Tuesday, October 26th, 2010

It is likely due to my classification on the voter roles as an independent that a rolled up, double sided, 4-color, handsomely printed poster for Paul LePage arrived wedged between the screen and the door. Forget about all the other stuff, I just can’t vote for anyone wearing creases in his jeans. I suppose Mr. LePage […]

Another Bit of Silence Regarding the Crushing US Defense Budget

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Op-Ed Columnist – The Tea Kettle Movement – And it would require us to reduce some services — like Social Security — while expanding others, like education and research for a 21st-century economy. What really steams me here is yet another well regarded writer only including the safety-net entitlement when mentioning cuts. Why so […]

MacWorld SF 09 — The last reaction

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

I thought it was a solid presentation for mostly consumer level information. Very happy about the direction as a stockholder! Some of iLife stuff is kind of over the top for a lot of folks. The iPhoto improvements are immensely cool and will appeal to everyone. Too bad I use Aperture. The iMovie features sound […]

Quote of the Day

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. — John F. Kennedy

If anything tells us about attention

Tuesday, December 20th, 2005

That Google is the most popular search engine is well known… just look at your weblogs for incoming referrers. They have published the 2005 Zetgeist list and it’s a fascinating snapshot of data culled from what is popular in search terms and when. Google Press Center: Zeitgeist Note that Myspace is the #1 gainer — […]

mac google video viewer – Google Search

Thursday, August 25th, 2005

mac google video viewer – Google Search I’m having a horrible Google week. First, the content index for the entire domain was deleted after a request to remove one URL from their cache. Why is this bad? We use Google search for our web site… which means we currently have no search. What is […]

FooCampers – Kwiki

Monday, August 15th, 2005

FooCampers – Kwiki

Paul Graham on open source and blogging

Thursday, August 4th, 2005

Paul Graham on open source and blogging | Between the Lines | This is a great recounting of what sounds like a fun keynote to listen to. Here are some excerpts: People work harder on things they like The standard office is unproductive Bottom-up works better than top-down I hope this becomes an essay […]

Witti Blowfish: ITL05 Project Links

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

Witti Blowfish: ITL05 Project Links This blog is for the musings of the inaugural group of faculty who collaborated on EDUCAUSE’s first Instructional Technology Leadership Institute held at Penn State University in July 2005.

Sunday, March 27th, 2005

What is Feedreader? | Feedreader – Free RSS / ATOM newsreader Add this to the RSS page. Also, don’t forget that RSS readers are for geeks and people who think they use RSS. IMO, long range, RSs will be for sharing information between sites and not to scrub many sites. Rather, design matters — even […]